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HD Cooke PTO Donations

Please click the "I want to help" button to the right to make a tax deductible donation.

Some of the major H.D. Cooke PTO contributions to the school in the past year include:

  • Providing financial and other support for: equipment for the music teacher; books for the library and students; early childhood field trips; a school-wide Winter concert and Black History Month concert; teacher and staff appreciation activities; and Kindergarten graduation

  • Organizing community meetings and family fun nights at the school and local restaurants;

  • Maintaining an email contact group that provides information and resources for interested members of the H.D. Cooke community.

Annual Fundraising Campaign, February 10-14, 2020

Working with Principal Lam, we have identified a few goals for this years fundraising campaign -- we would like to purchase new materials and storage for Recess and focus on plantings in the front and back garden areas.  Our goal is to raise $5,000.  We know what makes this school special - a loving community of teachers and families.  That's why we ask you to make a meaningful contribution that not only will affect your child, but all the current and future children at H.D. Cooke.


No donation is too little!  Please use the "I want to help" button to the right to donate online (minimum $10), or place cash or check (made out to H.D. Cooke PTO) in an envelope with your name and your child's name and bring it to either your child's teacher or to the front office.

Additionally we will have a bake sale each morning on the grand stair landing during the week.  If you would like to volunteer to bring baked goods or to help with the sale, please contact the PTO via email!

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